Clinic Culture of Safety Initiative Full Report & Toolkit


At ADN, we understand the critical need to elevate patient safety in the clinic setting. Our safety culture initiative in the clinics setting revealed just how much work remains to be done in outpatient care, where underreporting and a lack of safety-focused practices persist. Although outpatient clinics serve as the cornerstone of patient care, efforts to improve safety have traditionally focused on hospitals. As a result, many clinics have not yet engaged fully in safety culture assessments, event reporting, or safety training.

But this doesn't have to continue. The opportunities for improvement in the clinic setting are vast, and ADN’s Clinic Culture of Safety Initiative Toolkit is designed to empower your clinic teams to act. By addressing gaps in communication, transparency, and event reporting, clinics can re-engineer fractured processes and create safer, more reliable care environments.

To support this journey, we’ve developed a comprehensive toolkit that equips your clinics with everything they need to build and sustain a strong safety culture. Our initiative showed how clinics can thrive when the right tools are in place. Get started today and make meaningful changes with our free toolkit.

Here’s what you’ll find in the toolkit

  • A Clinic Safety Culture Initiative "Blueprint for Success" Checklist
  • Templates with customizable messages for engaging senior leaders, managers, and champions
  • An Intensive Reporting Days "Blueprint for Success" Checklist
  • Infographics that describe Near Misses / Good Catches
  • Posters to promote event recognition and reporting, including detailed event examples
  • E-signature graphic and more!

Ready to take your clinic’s safety culture to the next level? Download the full report and toolkit now and see the strategies that worked for 116 clinics participating in ADN’s safety culture initiative in the clinics setting.