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Good Catch/Near Miss Campaign Toolkit

good-catch-campaign-thumbnailWhile experts consider near misses to be unmatched predictors of medical error, research shows they are markedly underreported.

ADN PSO data confirmed that notion. Near misses represented only 6.8% of all 2016 events submitted to ADN PSO, a representation significantly less than Unsafe Conditions or Incidents.

Forty-five hospitals, dispersed across the state of Arkansas, participated in ADN PSO’s Good Catch campaign.

Overall, these hospitals achieved 95% of the campaign goal and saw a 47% increase in near miss reporting over baseline. Together, participating facilities reported an average of 246 more near misses per MONTH during the 2017 campaign. 

This toolkit will provide you with a host of materials to run your own Good Catch Campaign.

Tool Kit Includes:

good-catch-toolkit-iconTips for Making the Most of Hospital Huddles (Video) good-catch-toolkit-iconGood Catch Program: Blueprint for Success
good-catch-toolkit-iconGood Catch Program: Blueprint Companion Guide good-catch-toolkit-iconGood Catch Team Charter Document
good-catch-toolkit-iconGood Catch Campaign References good-catch-toolkit-iconGood Catch Frontline Staff Education Powerpoint
good-catch-toolkit-iconGood Catch Campaign Press Release Template good-catch-toolkit-iconPrintable Poster (8×11 and 11×17)
good-catch-toolkit-iconEmail Signature Banner good-catch-toolkit-iconNear Miss Infographic
good-catch-toolkit-iconKey to Near Miss Outcomes: Front Line Empowerment Infographic (Web Version or Poster) good-catch-toolkit-iconScreensavers & Desktop Backgrounds
good-catch-toolkit-iconWebsite Ads good-catch-toolkit-iconHow To Use Document for Email Footer / Screensaver / Desktop Background