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Increase Event Reporting Toolkit
Event reporting is essential to identifying, understanding, and addressing underlying factors and circumstances that contribute to medical errors. The insights gained from voluntarily reported incidents, near misses, and unsafe conditions bring to light fractured processes that may otherwise be hidden.Unfortunately, many events never get reported. Understanding the barriers to reporting and helping staff overcome them is crucial to building and maintaining a healthy reporting culture.
ADN has developed an extensive toolkit to help your facility increase event reporting so you can gain maximum visibility into opportunities to improve care outcomes.
Toolkit includes:
Guides & Checklists
Increase Event Reporting Checklist
Intensive Reporting Days Checklist
eBook: A Guide to Improving Your Patient Safety Event Reporting Culture Plus a Leadership Action List
Tools & Templates
Patient Safety Event Reporting Rate Calculator
Increase Event Reporting Communication Templates for Senior Leaders
Intensive Reporting Days Communication Templates
GAP Analysis Template for a Patient Safety Event Reporting System
Mini Patient Safety Culture "Pulse Check" Survey and Automated Analytics Report Toolkit
Culture of Safety Organizational Self-Assessment Survey and Automated Analytics Report Toolkit
Email Signature Banner to Promote Event Reporting
Posters & Tipsheets
Event Reporting Examples Tipsheet (Acute and Clinic versions)
Barriers to Reporting Poster
Intensive Reporting Days Poster
Anatomy of an Incident Poster (Acute and Clinic versions)
Anatomy of a Near Miss Poster (Acute and Clinic versions)
Anatomy of an Unsafe Condition Poster (Acute and Clinic versions)
Near Misses: Engaging and Empowering Frontline Staff Poster
Event Category Weather Forecast Poster
Event Reporting Contest Poster
Event Reporting Examples Poster (Acute and Clinic versions)
General Event Reporting Promotional Posters (8.5x11 and 11x17)